Monday 30 January 2017

Questionnaire Exemplar

1. Tell us a little about you:
Sexual orientation:
Area you live in:
Gender do you best identify yourself with:

2. When was the last time you watched a music video?

3. What's your favourite music genre? Why?

4. What's your favourite Platform to find and engage with Music videos in?

5. When was the last time which you brought a CD, Artist's Merchandise and/or Albums or Songs from Platforms such as Itunes etc?

6. What's the first thing which captures you or keeps you engaged in a music video and why?

7. What's your opinion on South London Rappers?

8. If you could create a music video, what are the top 4 things which you would highlight as the most important things needed for a music video?

9. What is your opinion of the song which was shown to you (Please be as honest and detailed as possible)

10. Imagine you had to create a video to the song, What would you add to the video for this song and why?

14.  Which location(s), themes, styles and techniques would you best associate with this music video/son?



Styles(Inc. Outfits):


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