Wednesday 1 February 2017

Weekly Production Log 5

This week was a bit all over the place for myself as I spent the week organising my work for this particular unit and ensuring that I took the initiative to catch up with my team and ask them to update me with the idea and how everything is going due to my absence whilst also ensuring them that although I wasn't about to be physically present throughout the week, whatever ideas or opinions were requires of me, They could always feel free to come to me.

This week, I spent my time ensuring that I caught up with any outstanding work to do with my Music video which was missing or any work in general from this unit as well as making sure that I was on track with everything which had gone on and I had missed even if it meant taking time out to make sure I had everything from pervious work to research together and correct through consulting my team members and also my teacher which was quite tiring and stressful however needed to be done.
I will make sure i update this blog post to also keep it updated with what my team were up to this week when I wasn't actually present just for my own understanding and for the purposes of the post.

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